Can pressure sores happen after a spinal cord injury?

Spinal cord injuries put a person at risk for a variety of complications. When you are immobile or have limited mobility, you are at risk of suffering from a pressure sore. A pressure sore is something that can be difficult to treat. In extreme cases, it can be life-ending.

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Paralysis from spinal cord injuries can lead to travel issues

A person who has a spinal cord injury might suffer from paralysis that makes them dependent upon a wheelchair to get around. While a wheelchair gives the person more independence, it does mean that a bit more planning is necessary when the person wants to travel. That is one factor that can have a negative impact on the quality of life for a spinal cord injury patient.

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Pedestrians and bicyclists face severe injuries in accidents

Pedestrians and bicyclists face some unique challenges when they are moving along the roadways. Not only do they have to watch for obstacles on the sidewalk or roadway, they also have to watch out for drivers who might not be watching out for them. The disturbing fact is that pedestrians and bicyclists are at the mercy of motorists.

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